Friday, February 01, 2008


Compliance with UK Building Regulations

The UK Government have introduced building regulations that require new homes to undergo an 'air tightness test', which is also known 'air permeability'. The building is sealed and pressurised, and the amount of air leaking from the building can be calculated. These regulations will help to reduce the energy required to heat buildings and tests must be carried out by an approved testing company.

Air naturally leaks from most buildings around doors and windows, and through gaps and cracks in walls and floors. However, excess levels of air leakage leads to uncomfortable draughts for the occupants and high heating costs.

A number of companies in the UK now offer air tightness testing for new build homes and commercial buildings. Some can even help private home owners who want to improve the energy efficiency of their houses. These companies should be registered with the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing and be able to test air leakage to the standard required by Local Authority Building Control and the Air Tightness Testing and Measurement Association (ATTMA).

Leema Technologies are fully qualified to these standards, and can also call upon in-house architects who can offer advice on how to comply with regulations and sustainable building techniques. Leema Technologies are based in the Midlands and test buildings for airtightness throughout the UK. Visit their website at for more air permeability testing information.


useful info about air tightness testing.

There is more at: blurbosphere.
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